Archivo de la etiqueta: icaro

I have found my place within Fedora Project

As a Fedora Ambassador I should help people find a place to collaborate with the Fedora Project. I have been around for long time doing different things in Fedora Project. I feel that I have failed myself because I did find my place before. I have been doing for so long events, recruiting collaborators and helping people. I failed my self to help me doing things that I really enjoy doing for the project.

FUDCon Managua 2014 was a major challenge and at some points I was considering quit. People like Lila, Cristhian, Samuel and Fernando keep me going. At the same time, Fedora Council was taking shape and FamSCo was starting to change. Probably I was involved in to many things.

Some time ago I was asked if I will keep up with marketing activities. I accepted to be dismiss from Marketing Team. I am not doing anything, it is fair to step aside. It felt right, I can be back any time when I want. Later on I unsubscribe myself from the marketing mailing list as it was no longer related to marketing, but to Fedora Magazine.

I quit to freemedia, I was dealing with membership management which I stepped aside long ago, and recently I quit completely as I haven’t sent media in months. Again, it felt right as I can came back anytime.

The transition from Fedora Board to Fedora Council made me take a choice. Did I wanted to keep in that level of commitment? I honestly I was not following the mailing list and not following the trac. Much of this was because of FUDCon, but also I lack energy.

I really wanted to FAmSCo to change, when that become a reality, then I felt that I did not need to keep involved. Againg I lack energy, motivation or both. So I quit.

Even I have organize 9 Fedora Release Parties in a row. I got a hotdog cart to release Beefy Miracle. I also helped to organize release party in El Salvador, Guatemala and Costa Rica. I am not doing it now. Lila has said to do it, and I am glad to someone else take charge of that.

I came to Fedora because I wanted to have a stable platform for Amateur Radio. I like electronics and experimenting. I needed to ask help and end up helping people. It was a great ride, but it was a side track.

So what I am going to do? I want to thanks Valentin and Icaro Project for helping me find my place in Fedora. I love the electronic experimenting. It is a wonderful project aiming to education, but you can get on board and keep growing and learning with it.

This is what I was looking for. A place to collaborate with something that challenge me to learn things that I want. A thing to talk about and do presentation about things that I am passionate about.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Fedora Project. But I am not passionate about talking about features that I am not using and most of the time I am not fully understand. I did it because I fell it was something to be done.

Since I get in touch with Icaro I am thinking how I going to use Icaro boards with Amateur Radio. Switching equipment, satellite tracking, too many possibilities.

Since FUDCon Managua 2014 I was been asked about robotics. From the science committee of the vice presidency office, from RUPAP degree in system, there is a department of research and development of RUPAP that also asked about, the ministry of education also asked about. I event got a request for a pilot experience with a school. My answer has been, Icaro project will happen in Nicaragua, you can be part of it or just watch it happen.

I have found my place within Fedora.

rpm source rebuild de icaro paso a paso

Icaro es un proyecto de robótica educativa, basado en una placa muy básica de hardware la cual es controlada vía software. Aquí vamos a ver como instalar el software.

En por allá de Enero de 2008, leigh123linux me dijo que

«to be honest you appear clueless to the process of rebuilding source rpms so I have written a quick guide for you»

Traducido …Para ser honesto tu pareces despistado en relación al proceso de reconstruir fuentes de rpm, asi que he escrito una guia rápida para ti.

El estaba realmente en lo cierto cuando decia que yo estaba clueless. Su guía me ha servido mucho.

Ahora me enfrento con Icaro y al menos ahora identifico que es un fuente de rpm y debo reconstruirlo, asi que usando la guia que me brindaronhace algun tiempo, aqui pongo como fue que lo hice.

1.- Instalar soporte para compilar software

yum groupinstall «Bibliotecas de desarrollo» «Herramientas de desarrollo»
yum install rpmdevtools

Nota: si su sistema esta en ingles deberá usar los grupos «Development Libraries» «Development Tools»

2.- Crear el entorno de trabajo


3.- Conseguir el paquete rpm source y crear el paquete

cd ~/Descargas/
rpmbuild –rebuild icaro-0.6.2-1.290311.fc15.src.rpm

Nota: hay que agradecer a Larry Letelier de Chile por crear el rpm source.

4.- Instalar el paquete

cd rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
yum install icaro-0.6.2-1.290311.fc15.x86_64.rpm

Nota: ustedes pueden tener sus paquetes en otra rura, por ejemplo sustituyendo x86_64 por i686. MI sistema es de 64 bits.

A final este es solu un paso intermedio de un camino por andar en la robótica educativa. Le agradezco infinitamente a Valentin por haberme incentivado a participar y el apoyo constante que me ha brindado